
Providence Christian Academy — Affiliate

410 DeJarnette Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 47130

Phone: (615) 904-0902
Fax: (615) 904-0859

Grades: PreK-12
Enrollment: 769, Boys/Girls: 394/375
Faculty: 121
Accreditation: SAIS/Cognia

Andy Sheets

Pete Majors

Providence Christian Academy was established in 1996 as an academically advanced, inter-denominational school not connected to any one church. The mission of the school is to teach students to seek God's truth and equip them with the tools for a lifetime of learning.

PCA operates on a three-pillared foundation. The first is a Christian worldview. Believing that all truth is God's truth, PCA provides a biblically-based education that teaches students to approach their studies and all of life through the perspective of the Bible. The second pillar is a classical education. Understanding that people learn best through a series of stages outlined in the time-honored and proven model of the Trivium, PCA offers a rigorous yet enjoyable experience in each content area. PCA equips students for success in their educational undertakings through the age-specific teaching tools and cumulative approach to learning inherent in the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages of the Trivium. The final pillar is parental involvement. Realizing that the education of young people is the responsibility of parents, PCA operates as an extension of the family "in loco parentis." Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their children's education and experience at PCA.

Students at PCA not only experience our rigorous but supportive academic environment but also have opportunities to participate in a range of arts, athletics, numerous school organizations, as well as service and mission projects.